Do You Want to Achieve More for Christ in the Great Commission?

What is 4-Fields?

These are simple yet powerful tools that come from the Holy Bible. Missionaries around the world are using these tools to Enter unreached people groups (Field 1); spread the Gospel (Field 2); make disciples (Field 3); plant new churches (Field 4); and train indigenous leaders how to replicate the process.

The 4-Fields tools are designed to be simple, reproducible, and transferrable. This way indigenous believers can learn it, use it, and train their own people how to achieve NoPlaceLeft in their part of the world.

What is NoPlaceLeft?

While 4-Fields is the collection of tools, NoPlaceLeft is a global movement of Christians who are using 4-Fields tools. The ambition of NoPlaceLeft is to finish the Great Commission by reaching every segment of every society on earth.

NoPlaceLeft is not a denomination or missions agency. It is a genuine movement. It includes Christians and agencies from various denominations whose burning desire is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through radical obedience to the Word of God.

Members of this movement include the largest Bible Smugglers in the world, covert mission teams that rescue sex slaves, and some of the largest underground church planting networks across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. And now, TelemedVillage!

Free Training and Certification

We invite and encourage all of our clients, and our global network of medical professionals, to register to receive 4-Fields training and join the NoPlaceLeft movement. Training and certifications are completely free of charge.

Clients who receive 4-Fields training through this offer will receive a $200 credit toward their next purchase.

Medical professionals in our global network who receive 4-Fields training through this offer will enjoy special employment benefits with TelemedVillage.

For more information about scheduling a training session, please Contact Us today.