Mission Strategy

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, gave us His mission strategy in Luke 10:1-12. This has been the mission strategy of the church for almost 2,000 years. In this passage of Scripture Jesus sends His disciples out in pairs to go from village to village on a mission to achieve three basic goals:

  1. Find a House of Peace (v 5-6)

    A House of Peace is someone in the village who is open and receptive to learning about God. The best House of Peace is someone who has influence in the village and can call other villagers to their house to learn about Christ.

  2. Heal the Sick (v 9)

    The reason Christ wants missionaries to heal people is to show His power and love. After someone is touched by God’s love, they are more willing to learn about this God who loves them.

  3. Teach the Word of God (v 9)

    After providing healthcare in the name of Jesus, villagers are ready to learn about Jesus Christ. The missionaries work with the House of Peace to call their village together for weekly Bible studies. As villagers come to faith and get baptized, the House of Peace becomes a house church.


Traditionally, two missionaries go into a village trying to accomplish these three goals. It can take up to a year to find a House of Peace and earn the trust of the villagers. It normally costs about $70,000 to send a pair of missionaries for one year. In today’s economy that is NOT a cost-effective way to fulfill the Great Commission.


In today’s technology rich environment, most of the world is connected through the internet, including people in remote villages. We developed a modern application of our Lord’s mission strategy that is faithful to Scripture, yet enables churches to fulfill the Great Commission at a fraction of the cost of traditional missionary methods.

We build medical mission teams that consist of Houses of Peace. We have more than 1,000 Houses of Peace in our global network. We specialize in finding Houses of Peace who are medical professionals living in villages across Africa and Asia. They are Christians who we have carefully screened and brought together to work with U.S. Pastors as Medical Missionaries to their villages.

This short video shows how a doctor in Kenya is using our TelemedToolbox to provide healthcare to his villagers in the name of Jesus. Because he is a House of Peace who provides healing in the name of Jesus, that achieves the first two goals of our Lord’s mission strategy. However, because he is a medical doctor and not a Bible teacher, he calls his villagers to gather around a large screen telemed-tablet so that your Church in the USA can teach them about Jesus Christ through technology. As the villagers come to faith, the doctor and Church work together through software to perform baptisms and communions.

The diagram below illustrates a Church located in the USA using Zoom to coordinate with a Medical Missionary in another country. Together, they are spreading the gospel, making disciples, and planting churches in a way that was not previously possible.

Instead of sending two missionaries at a cost of approximately $70,000 per year to plant one church, you will be able to plant churches all over the world, at a fraction of the cost, for less than $10,000 each, without ever leaving your home or office.

This is possible because we provide you with the team of medical professionals who are natives working in their own countries. They are English speaking Christians with great influence in their communities. These medical professionals are Houses of Peace. They are your Medical Mission Team, and will work under your leadership. You will meet with your team on Zoom to pray, plan, and collaborate. They will use TelemedToolboxes to provide healthcare to people in their villages, in the name of Jesus, and call them together for weekly Bible studies with you through technology. From your home or office, you can work with Medical Missionaries all over the world, spreading the gospel and planting churches in war zones, disaster areas, refugee camps, urban slums, orphanage, and remote villages.